胶州路独幢,如果只能用简短几个字形容这个项目,可谓:静、白、亮 + 人文内涵。
If I have to use only a few words to describe this architecture, they can be quiet, white, bright with humanistic care.
静 ── 位于老静安核心地段,胶州路与延平路之间,四通八达,闹中取静。
Quiet — Though located between busy Jiaozhou road & Yanping road, it is neat, quiet and beautiful.
白 ── 建筑内部,白色为主色,原木色作点缀,空间干净温暖,轻盈自然。
White — Inside, white is the main colour, combined with wood stairs, the space is clean and warm, light and natural.
亮 ── 顶部天窗设计,将自然光线引入室内,带来舒适的视觉与心理感受。
Bright — With the top skylight design, natural light going into the interior, brings a comfortable visual and psychological feelings to people.
露台:两个大露台 + 顶楼超大天台;午休间,可尽享阳光和煦,微风拂面。
茶水间: 设有三个茶水间,含休息区+运动区,体现人文关怀,促进交流,让大家工作之余,享受片刻轻松愉悦。
Humanistic care —
Balcony: Almost every office has a balcony. When taking a break or having a cup of coffee, you might be instantly inspired by the view here.
Terrace: There are 3 big terraces, including one huge rooftop terrace, where people can enjoy the breezes and sunshine.
Sitting area: There are 3 sitting areas, including sports area. People can rest, eat and drink, talk and communicate here.
整个建筑共四层,总面积约5,831平方,办公面积约为34平米 — 375平米不等;最小面积报价为11,025元(含物业管理费)。
There are 4 floors, with total area size of over 5,831 sqm. The area size of each office ranges from 34 sqm to 375 sqm; Asking rent starts from 11,025 rmb (including property management fee).
Besides, there is a stand-alone building, with area size of around 1,709 sqm.
It’s within 10 mins’ walk to both L2/7 Jing’an Temple and L7 ChangPing RD Station.